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Home » David Starr and ConectUS Racing Celebrates The Tickets Night Out

David Starr and ConectUS Racing Celebrates The Tickets Night Out

David Starr and ConectUS Racing enjoyed an evening of fun with The Ticket radio show at their Night Out event. This event ran from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m on September 20 and offered attendees the chance to listen to their favorite radio personalities up close and personal.

The Ticket had multiple giveaways that included tickets to Mavericks, Rangers, Stars, and Cowboys games; and multiple concerts. It was a great opportunity for listeners to interact with their favorite radio stars such as Bob Sturm and Corby Davidson, and the giveaways and contests were a cherry on top of an awesome event.

And of course, David Starr brought the ConectUS Car to the Night Out event. Fans were constantly taking photos standing next to the car and enthusing about a piece of racing history right in front of them. ConectUS has partnered with David for the past two years, and this event was a great opportunity for NASCAR fans to meet David and see the beloved ConectUS car.

David and his wife Kim also took the opportunity to tell folks about Team Texas Racing School and the organizers had set up a table, front and center at the event. David and Kim also gave away multiple four-lap passenger rides at the Team Texas Racing School. This is the prize that allows winners to ride in the passenger seat of a NASCAR for several laps around the track at Texas Motor Speedway – at high speeds!

Sports fans of all ages enjoyed the Night Out as they got to meet their favorite radio personalities, compete in contests such as trivia, enter into giveaways, and have the chance to meet NASCAR driver David Starr.

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